Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Arch Construction - Construction & Technology

Last Wednesday, we did our Arch Construction during our lesson. We were seperated into 4 persons per group and build our own arch bridge. The material used was plasticines.

We shaped the plasticine into a cylindrical-like shape to be supported to the abutments of the arch. 

We also cut the plasticines into rectangular shape, to build the brick-like columns.  
This is how our arch bridge looks like, after decorated and being built.
These are all arch bridges from all groups. They were readied to be tested their stability.

Our groups' arch bridge was one of the top three strongest arch bridge.

From the activity, we learnt about how to construct a strong bridge, and determine the construction ways to make it harder and stronger. We had a lot of fun during the activity, and learnt to cooperate with every group members. 

Monday, April 18, 2016

Project 1A - Intro to Design

From this assignment, I have learnt to determine the details of an insect, explore every little parts of the insect i chose, which is ladybug. Furthermore, I did some researches on my chosen insect before I start this assignment. Also, I drew the outline for the insects and determined the variations, design principle and formal organization. After that, I transformed this task from 2D sketching to 3D model. 

The materials i used for this model are modelling cards, strings, nails and A4 MDF board. My model was composed with lines, planes and volumes. Some parts of my model like the backside of the ladybug, I composed with line and volume, which made it looks hollow. For the front part of its body, I composed with planes and volumes. The middle part of its body, I used string to represent lines, and the nails as the points. I made the whole composition to be in a dome shape, which is short to tall when viewing from the front.

This is my first time to build a 3D model and I found it's very fun and interesting in building it although it took a long time to finish.

Observation Drawing

Zoom in Drawing

Researches of my insect

Researches of my insect


Design Principle & Formal Organization

Photos composition

Top View drawing

Zoom in details drawing

3D Model



Front View